You may have been fretting over tax owed, scared of being unable to clear outstanding arrears due to accumulated penalties and dodging the authorities for fear of prosecution – but fret no longer.

Pay ZERO penalties or interest on tax owed pre-2021. Yes, you read that correctly [exactly GHS 0.00]. Thanks to the Penalty and Interest Waiver Act, 2021 (Act 1065), you do not need to pay anything apart from the actual tax amount owed.

Spring into action now! If you need to take advantage of this waiver, you must keep up with all filings, payments, and obligations due from previous years up to date and also take the following steps by 30 September 2021:

  1. Submit a written application for a waiver to the Commissioner-General; along with
  2. Returns detailing full tax liabilities up to 31 December, 2020; and
  3. Pay or arrange to pay the outstanding tax as assessed

That’s it! 

Simply carry on with business and await news within 30 days of the Commissioner-General’s decision.